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( Demonstrate current functional limitation(s) imposed by the impairment and describe how it substantially limits a major life activity, such as learning. ( Rate the severity of the impact of the condition on the students performance of major life activities in comparison to most people in the general population. ( Describe the positive and adverse effects of any prescribed medications. ( Include relevant information about recommendations for accommodations to all courses. ( Provide a rationale as to why these accommodations are warranted based upon the students functional limitations (e.g. if additional time for testing is suggested, state the reasons for this request related to the students functional limitations). The healthcare professional conducting the assessment, making the diagnosis, and offering recommendations for accommodations and adjustments must be qualified to do so. The persons are generally trained, certified, or licensed psychologists or members of a medical specialty. Please attach any reports that provide additional related information (e.g. psycho-educational testing, neuropsychological test results, etc.). This documentation will be considered along with information from the student as well as from appropriate college personnel regarding essential standards for courses and programs in determining reasonable adjustments. As the students request for an accommodation is being evaluated, we may need you to provide us with more detailed information. Should this further information become necessary, you will be provided with a follow-up request specifying any additional information we will need from you. If a comprehensive diagnostic report is available that provides information about the functional limitations of the disorder and recommendations for accommodations and adjustments, a copy of that report can be submitted for documentation instead of this form. Please mail or fax the documentation to: Director of Disability Services ܽƵ One Alpha Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 Fax: (717) 361-1556 If you have any questions regarding this procedure, please call Disability Services at (717) 361-1227. Thank you for your assistance One Alpha Drive ( Elizabethtown, PA 17022-2298 Phone: (717) 361-1185 ( Fax: (717) 361-1556 ( www.etown.edu/offices/learning Center for Student Success Academic Disability Learning Writing International Student Advising Services Zone Wing Student Services Transition Programs    E F    #+,-HIʸwsjsh SQ5CJ\h SQhiOJQJ^Jh0COJQJ^JhHOJQJ^JhAOJQJ^J jlh SQCJOJQJ^Jh SQOJQJ^J#h<h SQ6CJOJQJ^JaJ<jh<h SQ5B*CJOJQJUaJmHnHphuhq{hh6 jhh%  E ] ^ )*,-H$a$gd^gd ^`gd^gdPHI,-./0gd$ hpa$gdI^hopxy "#+,Ǽ哇paUFh{h56CJ]aJhB*CJaJphhh+_B*CJaJphhVAh+_B*CJaJphh+_CJaJhqwB*CJaJphhthB*CJaJphh5B*CJaJphh+_B*CJaJphhhCJaJhLhB*CJaJphh|mhB*CJaJphh|mhCJaJhhB*CJaJph,-./0#h<h SQ6CJOJQJ^JaJhqwh SQhx}kh SQ6CJ]aJ8PP&P1/ =!"#$P% `!!R .Z=q9dATp!xŚwEAr!#0d$I3s!s A@f$ euWtqY=3{Η$ vE$oTT^ŵRڨ ژ+@~nSSy=yď&T΍xHU2P^ZMhuQ):ԗOJs9!mt)d-#dL2 e!CJ'9)m+?pzG]i)VZA:hy FўmVwlCZKNj] 6Ri;t"%&lRJM[, m4 vJ;$vR%hP/#쑌2іd-muQ6Fjsle}mE[;;n-uiwݷRaO,%RZ@-,x=˚?8RM_Ւ"-LWQZ6 :h:Z&(X6j*$OpIr'%kpP;$uN+DL&!l: k+Ʋ2#[MheU4w륾Vkoo~Mvkdv@QYbm;#kl+ʇ&-SBZX6hyc+^Jzu %[^/=cGcQvE'n^O0Ŗ[ emKe2sYeԲY}_qY-fTkz{"aXRCnIb_mCoc"?E^ʷzBj\rB?#]Vy_7z +u,ֵ2UW`}G:*i̷+Ee<RMvr>eܕ(%劜 =#ܔ97K#dl?d37wS˝Y~nxw5|s|`4JrJx++s,e5ZAܷxl|I,0/kS"C?8#ER<'KW$ӪAF՚AU4ҺA{?Ck[˜=僛܊Z$r,kaA!nWiKT_dMr;Y/;o,چهM64G̴HK^g}MU-.2uؿ:,kɂ.c̖۞?+ -hK~0Sk#tnAcl(XF$e/R=NwBpY^`%_T2s$m0>BX?ٺwNfrH mUegJpˋ{IYaκ0gR'Y܂-MBtg͵Cϴ:4Q&sK mQ2vK/bF{G؛4Gdb $:"JwֆL~'?&ўsF";՗IEhߪ&LI\LIe*ո94n5#EK/&d jL7,DZ˻DH=+5#*ٮܗ$p]%w1X 99Fp{kni u7;9'CId9MJ{Y#-}iĭCv=$w{)%Iខ]hA)5?:C s?FK'Z,^(U_H2ER݆J'-ltVHP2h;vMfڗ2(:qg=3MlSܣ7bN< '=(A|㨡'qc* @|nF+lm}@v_YJv[in1d˲Zw_ɨz|vnf7I6-~$}GvFOvvv!mnu^d 4&yݒWgd?M.;\9ݎmFbf?$=gԈ%#-양&OqeIX2 q͆Cɳf~RIf!vAh;LUuDb oPdM& x\]rĚg]R?*)f/.΄o[:c4yh* i )4xM3AԜT[Y/i0V(ĚBX0|h2Ib8(kXq^_>?a%;߬*}Z5Pv]h q;{MXTchPAf J~uWX}{ J{^Wث4{fMi֖O9U~eг46,5%vI@zgf< g%PTa>0a9zճt<9*q/!5W0_#,O@I8q+f L䞅ܳ8gm"1A`Aa>?bMO/ޑؽgЇ X0L,n65`Y |g"4| ïGC:'I5!t䚁Doxk7F!#?{-#op{?~zޕ%'g`fGh#8rO q1vB }[ǜYVcn56Zù徿G\_Fg[;s^!GE]}d4g[y<ϳyd9 g93 ;>([8rfv sFG)3Sќiv9 A߇NA&lDȵ6C6c-ȵ NڅM8>㥓7JƏy?&s b,ZZa7-)xn[<[c~փ]Wj%N~` a֑P^lCd$a6Hޅ@DI|'1#1R#7X Hm"olSqҖHK深2yLS jȹsA7^%x}v6/"dV*wx dVmOYp&ySxOe|:H86˄?Bs-*l) U yscw,@X!8add=eډ_{f!ȸI{ `l%zdFZ#`0 L6MV`9gg,.sτ>)̛mƳf,QX`u6 o_}%s cz"tlёUzӎ֕NסtyG[ _sY͐<`|:<3i4D@i.MU@r[AҠpMۡ&cձq5VÖu 1VgJGhȜmڰ֡7#Atgp]xͷ={-"$gs?J[N!{ ^J7y$]t @/TI"]"/Xni3:J=kK*~8~Lڅ=$w":YFy[r\fjY.elŲIސ:9g*;eyrc M9>@l'e{dGVNx6XXXN^䆬hov9ˎ'A3!]r~%ȗwmY)>#pyظq\RW ֹ\oamw]~KwYs[R v|ͥ6 #tDȢR C ȇ7G-ûJn"~^k~"^[PRYc$aœA<:~$+#Y5*''#Z'qC =fsf`&#Fdd Gb-Ocw^ZZWk=e6XFkS\ 2\k'bIo c|4xqk&0@택\tZoX4fnl];%%ׅg=xgdؤ6HZq퐩#u 3cFoʼo>@7x}idl 뷢iKDAo "+a|(: gH֍He|c`dȾٿ/rB'I9T e?cSi24gv>8Cdʽ蹓| ~|rLoRa-f֬^+9ӕ*{5& ͣ?; %ܛj֠%hA9UQ3x4ro#.>.GqZQs8n9}> 6`#v Ki/6+o>o}Ryzz:vHQd1;E/@+oRƶI)*%@1" )d`ÌX5)j7X s>㥳W,3[֮*4'%ҦLȖގ<+48OchWq ^7{ $| 0V.XpiƎb=`'rm9eAFl*] MtJo˩mU{[/e Hi'#%&6{ֆm`}9ޠVʆba`:l0ydIkeA)Ph2ϡm:>hiPr ;H葌Gzkix5k z!ooUx×"AWyEessqXV rd\X}7Kc{nkvQ9q3XG h ᷀y5[ }!dqAW%%~%~%>557'qSx}nǵA}JZ +fwY岞oVٺY8c鬳ZY knɭ%|@+XR~>/l%~UUb~Z ƋY~ r1E˖YJoKD25М~k =c,1r'ۓ- 3w_zY,d&L&3$})rL&s&㭍Chl?Һpy Ы5ֈ^#4hESƚV[8 6&:h^<[YN(i8 ; >ag9s9Nr8;4Mהj fފ]Z;M?϶:mY.ר(S95zh`H=*:TL5Z1*TK'Ȁ'ZNHU=!ѼJ=(u/$n+̣"Lv[uRǴ~ 4JkҺ[_ZX7i]udUv/$ͦAKyt׵;:[{LӵN:F`ZC@ NsHX_koB{]xކ9{}lH*d2vQy 9ʯQh}츦ze}w׹է't߸~րlԧG%Y6P_CTGBs1=%د73_,= /:x~hvc+GeGv]B:9k$Xohz9=r8F$(8},Ff\?x;Zhmv[m>>KܜдŢ(QǨW٧.ܱh܏,(̾5׳ċč3< N(E5O+;_i}Cs%"#9#9hgɚ(Y,1'S\;$gL2</#n:7X6=@ЂHD2:PHDZә;K}/x;YB:'_H!ڄ3sh6=@h!_A{Gh7v=VLLq O&Ow!! =?@W!zTCKtqSWslrOV?cQ^=AxNt=[- wO}9;4 nq754|f]K^E=ZYKCO Y -.-Z; 6*^ͬY` n|KgHמ,E<=uJ üW41Mn"7ghvSϓ^y<]d\vs_Wv%l!߶҂\ؔ<\I @K>LvU ܴeqRB/RIǐI~[_5]v=$əu%9Џ7܈XnEmgէ5NI꺢~bn6bzb뻚8NN%--j=eeijeġaKMoR-$VQp"W?]Wy$`#<Աr##+ø'9zU1b/}:,+#]{^mz^֢jeO^7c~kRzvpg }u^|e=6Xo[SFkNojGK]jNe N \"wKa|Jb~CT~mtH~6s,!/_rKqrX>\.Qr8WUPOL|©2Pecn ̏e%,xU5NP> 辡;#=eq47uк]Ti"틒`w=>vOOauWy?uкҘlsv:' Zl|{}ᾟ羟㾟v7 lxEf;ěm/oxp an ֕G%bF .2KAoC;~]m'ĭzbjE* mqswu}58NVLadfL1t"-YDeG˩ަj;^O!YCPWy[x~OvкW{$"&j~j<įs|V_塞U/"O"Kn?C_=mjOMt-v9[\&FUlv~ ;[v}~ 8y$>G;c'U3tNX| ~8čb7V$GssB|C5[,˵6mCާ~M}w@QA]VWs@[S?>dx k£;t~<|t>ik9kq;(c.[/` 7491HJ5.]% L`!^w moPG]):< bu|xڥwtUeww`I1"M$4APZ@PZ0: !@B:\H (MP UΐA:: qֺkֺpom9Qň/[Z =UnОxثWmœTY"7oޔ{QY +<'R"xz<%R_I i.0R[H"$i3I: yZWuE<}J%rtgVM)px׈wMJx.f=KFLi2NIN:0I ard\THGc\PZ1{Ŝ)lؾ#aZ$ir?$S"Ye 9obeJHR:[ƿ־E3P`+1vC(at9&dnL݆[w:Ps%k ;9w(eRJ6@ ]Pd~rhƎ̻ރ^>[CC7nJ nvVG(fgp8ۆܚtnM#XIdF'jZ]Ahwgkw̓\nm8ضGk 4i[yBnMq.+0Lz2gd7y-;p?9Ηt|E򱮔erZ3w-T Xl,Z(u%i-(kG rzN Zrʐ(lf|ʔR+O[sdYH)ƥnvnoBek18-w=jmtCgxLwYuUnIy$HWA[%:-V"k.ް6HU&Qe9m uȯ 5*-.QvԴH5{v^nu*BX2ʪ׬v/#5=Mzvvy:܀r䱝o;g&ש0>3S9;6ty}B:ݞҎ)! #C)'(n.- I?GϩoTqE>ZҟQN'_8yuZ:DIC΋R)RY(N4&i,hPZ8EY e|^r܄Vk8ِ؉$O${c83qa8g|.ݥrBH-purAn7^p,L:̔ 7SBcHޥw`7:^c-|ٷ<`,%r.uc}q2(&h Obs C9*A dId`D `!$iT kD5Lry/L0: L6k] 1 ɣX?8!!@FɓB(qP&Ɂ 䐌qA' !0y aY~~o^` ͦ,I2-!٭ԐswZK{Ǝ^;G{\bM^ eW, ^ (f9,0 Ep.BP^}5~׻G~ zx 6zن^Iu}R" 20E ,o` #pA|!5b^ /z-0\7YҴ\!O[@+h XeCvn𨗡TM~Mǽ:Kh Q^gM_G{.89:t(C:ċA^#~C'Ծ^_b Ӈ=!{f Շ7^[26an/j}/N>u5;:Z˳RjyQ(X xJ ߃*4YeI7[n,"g{dW!wpښ5QlTO(ԍtU:ߠ3o7M)NY||<$y{oSo%w< V 䐷B^VËEz-y;w. 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